JGF: hosting your source code

After shedding blood, sweat, and tears (not really because of this, but because of a bug I found whilst doing it, and had to work my ass off to fix :() we finally have somewhere to host and maintain source code:


All source files are automatically colourified by http://java2html.de (once I’ve recuperated some energy, I’ll find out how to turn on the line-numbers, and do that too).

Ultimately, I’ll probably add some library to pretty-print the source according to your preference too ;).

FYI the only reason I didn’t use William’s otherwise excellent showsrc was … because it’s not java and I didn’t want to add all the clunkiness of PHP to an otherwise pure java webserver ;). If someone ever produces a pure java version…?

You need to register on JGF to post your source, and then you get private access to maintain it, update it etc. You need to provide a description, and usage instructions, and then you just upload the .java files and it takes care of the rest for you (c.f. the example already on the site)

Enjoy :slight_smile:

c.f. the other thread, I’ve taken the server down and I’m trawling 15Gb of logfiles to find out what’s spamming them and why; should be back up again soon, possibly won’t be fully active until another patch this coming Sunday :frowning:

Site is back up, temporarily (will try and patch this weekend).

FYI: part of the problem appears to be Opera 8.0 being crap and attempting a Denial of Service on the server: logfiles show it getting stuck in a loop for some users, requesting the same file as many as 20 times a second, which is pretty much inexcusable. In the end, the server ran out of diskpace to write the logfiles, and that causes linux to crash and break in many many ways.

Site seems to be fine now, should be OK to use from now on

On all snippets:

Please contact the admin / dev-team

Copy and paste everything below this line when contacting them

Throwable:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: de/java2html/javasource/JavaSourceParser
Line	Source File	
60	In SourceFormatterService.java	
276	...called from bAsynchronousService.java	
384	...called from bModule.java	
595	...called from Thread.java

Gah! Must have just broken that :(. Will fix now!

(looks like a classpath missing in a JAR file)

Fixed. Was indeed me using the wrong manifest file for a JAR :frowning: