JevaEngine Open Sourced on GitHub

I’ve been trying for some time to condition JevaEngine for open-sourced, I haven’t completely gotten around to adding the JavaDoc etc, but I’d figure it’s about time I got it onto a repository.

You can take a look at it here:

A lot of the code is not documented (sorry, I intend on getting around to it…) Here is a list of where you want to go if you’re interested in what:

JevaCommunications : JevaEngine’s Networking library
JevaCore : The Core\Infrastructure to the engine. Most of the interesting code is under the ‘world’ package.
JevaRpg : Rpg Extention to the core. Implements a lot of the RPG Elements to the engine.
JevaRpgClient : An example RPG Game’s client-side code.
JevaRpgServer : An example RPG Game’s server-side code.

A lot of the code has not thoroughly been reviewed so if you see me doing anything stupid anywhere, just bring it to my attention\submit an issue.

What is it, a game or a general purpose game engine ?

It is an isometric game engine. There is a ORPG game and server built over it. The game is in ClientRpgGame, the server is ServerRpgGame, they use the JevaCore and JevaRpg (the engine & Rpg Extension to the engine) common libraries.

It is a general purpose isometric game engine, plus a ORPG game built over it that is also in the repository. Each module is separated into its own project.