JBuilder2007 and JOGL

Anyone knows how to setup JBuilder 2007 (for Windows, the free version)
to run JOGL apps?

I can configure the IDE to find the jar files and compile JOOGL apps.
But it throws the following exception when run inside IDE:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jogl in java.library.path
I can run it on console without any problem

I tried to copy the DLL into system folder.
I tried to configure the IDE to search the DLL’s but failed.
The IDE’s online help is no use.
JBuilder home page provides no clue.
I searched interent on this topic and no result.

This problem has nothing to do with JOGL.
But can anyone please help anyway?

Hi, you have to specify -Djava.libraray.path=xxx where xxx is the path dor the dll files (extracted from the appropriate jar ).
The trick is to find where JBuilder lets you specify arguments and properties for the execution, if you try in this direction you should find…
By the way why don’t you try Netbeans instead of Jbuilder… :wink:

Thanks for the suggestion.
The JBuilder2007 have so many places to specify enviroment and vm argument.
I tried -Djava.libraray.path=xxx many places.
I even specify the native library location attribute of each jar (it is a JBuilder thing).
But none seems to work.

I have been using Borland products since mid 80’s. I like to support them.
I’ve been playing with the config for the last few days.

Indeed ;D

As I see Turbo JBuilder is based on eclipse, so maybe http://www.java-gaming.org/forums/index.php?topic=17431.0 helps.

Thanks for the suggestion. I still cant get it working.
I guess I’ll just keep trying.

Thanks everyone!