Javak4K 2010 is now open for submissions!!

Get started ;D

Btw. here’s an example I was using for testing purposes to see how the Applets appear:

Added Falcon4k to Java4k.

Superb! Very fast at making those games :wink:

Nice to see the Applets working.

Bldy hell… That was quick… Quick coder… Impressive 3D game…

BTW Alan… Check your instructions. You have ‘F’ to Fire… However looks like its ‘A’. Took me a while (and many key presses) to get started.

wow, that first java4k game has really set the bar high :slight_smile:

appel is it possible you could also add the

<param name="separate_jvm" value="true">

tag inside the applet tag for the java4k games, it should make the games more stable and run better. So if one game does something funny, it won’t have any impact on another applet.

kudos, it’s in.

Hm, given that I was a judge last year also and there wasn’t a community vote, I made a 4k game but was unable to submit it. Now that there is a community vote, would I be allowed to submit a game I made last year but was not actually part of last year’s competition?

That is surely something I’ve been thinking about.

I don’t think there is any conflict of interest. The community voting is something that the judges cannot influence.

If people are positive towards this, then I see nothing wrong with judges submitting games just for community voting.


Also if you want a nice message to appear for ppl who don’t have Java installed, you can also add the following inside the applet tag

You need Java installed to play this game. 
 You may use the button below to get it.

    <a href="" onclick=" this.href ); return false">
    <img src="" alt="Get Java" style="border-style: none">

this should give a nice user friendly message and point them in the right direction to get java installed.

Problems with the page layout, scrolling down screws up the display of the applet on my machine (vista, firefox w/adblock plus).