JavaFX 2.0 port of KevGlass's Space Invaders(windows only)

So there is a lot of lack of FX2.0 tutorials or reference files, I decided to port the kevglass’s classic spave invaders tutorial/sample code over to javaFX.

I can’t promise the “best practices” programming, because honestly, I just started using FX for the first time, never used fxscript. I can find no more bugs, but I know of at least 1 potential problem.

applet version (FX2.0 runtime required)
Note* Do not use this as a judgment for javaFX 2.0 performance, because there are at least 1-2 things I personally know of that make it a little less than “ideal”


original tutorial/code from kevglass:

javaFX 2.0 beta run times(requires free oracle account right now)

1 added feature to show 1 FX built in feature.
at the press any key screen at lunch, press A or S for large or small scale, if you press it ingame, it only changes the bullet size. I know other engines have scaling as features, but java I dont think ever had that great of built in scaling, and now its a simple .scaleX(value);

I hope and plan to continue to add/improve this to show more javaFX specific built in functions, I will also throw up a tutorial page later on with those features explained in more detail. I figured since there is a LWJGL port, why not a javaFX2.0 port :slight_smile:

Thanks for making this.
I’m looking forward to seeing some javafx apps do their thang.

For some reason your app won’t run for me though, even though I just updated to the very latest java 6 update 26. Do you need to have a custom beta java install to run javaFX?


As of right now, you do require a manual install Java FX 2.0 Beta Runtime.

When it is out of beta, they will bundle them together, but for the time being you need to install something.

JavaFX 2.0 Beta Runtime (build 30) (requires free oracle account right now)

Oracle sux…

[quote]5. What operating systems are supported by JavaFX?

JavaFX 2.0 will be fully supported on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Early Access versions of JavaFX 2.x for Mac OS and Linux will be made available at a later date, but support for these platforms will not be included as part of the JavaFX 2.0 final release.

deadly irony on
Does cross platform mean we Support Win 32 / 64 bit for XP, Vista and Windows 7?
deadly irony off


deadly irony on
Does cross platform mean we Support Win 32 / 64 bit for XP, Vista and Windows 7?
deadly irony off
Loving how that statement is dripping with sarcasm and irony :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah this is a load of bollocks. No support for Mac or Linux on final release?!?

Thanks for this port but without Linux & Mac support, JavaFX is completely useless.

Because that’s 90% of the market? :wink:


As important as those two operating systems are for JavaFX to succeed, I’d rather see them get it right on at least one platform first rather than spread their development resources too thin and end up with something crappy.

I agree with kappa, windows is the majority of the platform and always has been, they need to get performance and stability top notch. I’d have to hope to believe that by FX2.1 or earlier that there will be full support for mac and linux. Its not a matter of if, but when. Of course there will be support

Except for me, where it’s about 50% of my market.

Cas :slight_smile:

really? is mac 50% or linux 50%? or both combined?

edit: nice, well in that case, I hope mac and linux support comes super soon!

The Humble Indie Bundle #2, of which we were a major part, netted us about $180,000, of which approximately $45,000 came from Mac and $45,000 came from Linux.

Cas :slight_smile: