java2d jogl antialias problem


I’m trying out Mustang and jogl/java2d, in a case where I draw some graphics in the background, jogl in the middle, and on top of this some more graphics.

The top graphics, however, makes odd lines as oposed to small triangles. To make the top graphics draw properly, I had to set ANTIALIAS to OFF, which unfortunately makes my graphics look very jaggish.


Does anybody know a workaround to get antialiased graphics to work on top of jogl ? Everything is drawn to a GLJPanel, with the ogl pipeline enabled (see start options below)

Regards Christian

-Djogl.verbose -Djogl.debug.Java2D
-Dswing.aatext=true -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true

Do you have a small test case for this? We have heard about issues when antialiasing is enabled in Java2D when the Java2D/JOGL bridge is active, but haven’t tracked down the issue yet.


I’m sorry, but no. Its build into major legacy. However, I’ll look if I can set up a small demo…

Regards Christian

A screenshot showing the problem would be most helpful here, as well as the name of your video board and the driver version. I think I know the problem you’re talking about (Nvidia driver issue?), but I’ll need more details to confirm.



Sorry for not looking thouroughly at the posts! Further info to come:

Nvidia Queadro NVS285
Driver date 3/17/06
Driver version:

Actually, though maybe not related, I use the same drawing methods in a webservice, but drawing to a transparent picture. The antialias in that case gave a black background instead as expected transparency (and removing antialias produced the wanted transparent background). This just to mention, that there migtht be other artifacts with the antialiasing in general.

Concerning attachment of images; I would have done so, but failed to find out how :-(. I can reply if you send an email to cgt at navicon dot dk

Regards Christian