Read this:
Anyone wanna develop for the PS3 for free?
Read this:
Anyone wanna develop for the PS3 for free?
So if i understand correctly, .net is actually now capable of running on consoles (PS3 and X360).
That’s both really cool (I mean, that’s as close to java on consoles as we’re probably going to get), and a bit sad (I would’ve preferred java there, of course)
Maybe we should collectively buy a PS3 devkit and just go for it and port a JVM. And LWJGL while we’re at it.
sad indeed - I mean, Java IS already working ON the PS3 - but not really being mentioned for game devlopment - maybe NDA related who knows?
I do know that Sony Home uses Java for the minature games. So in some way you can invoke the VM from within
or which is even freakier. Just decompile(!) java into sourcecode of your language of choice and use native compilers and optimisers to compile it to the target platform.
Java VS Mono ==> Java is d00med
javagaming on platform x maybe - reducing java to gaming is a little bit unrealistic.
or sun could … or sony - someone NOT indie
An open source java based games development solution for PS3 doesn’t sound so bad to me. And who knows, an actual release on PSN of an existing java game might help getting the money back of the devkit.
And waiting for Sun and Sony for this hasn’t proven very fruitful so far has it?
Money isn’t the issue - you need to be a licensed developer before Sony will even think about letting you look at the price list for hardware. And that usually means being an established company with (secure) offices and a proven track record of published games.
I’m sure some of the companies using LWJGL could pull it off if they were interested and had the money.
e.g. Puppygames or Oddlabs
ill admit that ive been thinking of switching to mono and this might help me go that way. Thats cool news, to bad the jvm isnt built on the ps3. That wouldve been cool. Just seems like C# is becoming the way to go.
There must still be ways to publish an indy game without being a zillion dollar company. Everyday Shooter might be an exception to the rule, but there’s also Sony’s Pub Fund that might be worth checking out. I’m sure it’s not easy, though.
But, you have to really want to publish on PSN. I mean, it’s biggest virtue is that it’s the only way to deliver smaller games on PS3 and if you do manage to get your game on it, you won’t have much competition.
Other than that, PSN as a store is a mess and Sony’s Pub Fund forces exclusivity.
So it seems this whole thing could be in fact a non-issue and in fact it looks likes Java is even ahead of .NET on PS3…
If there’s already java that can be used for gaming (outside of a Bluray Disk), I guess the core issue is the accessibility of the PS3 platform as an indie developer?
Has anyone tried using this?
XMLVM comes up every now and again. It’s a great solution as far as getting Java code to run on another platform, but the real guts of the work is that you need to create a compatibility layer. In other words, you need to mirror the target API in Java to do graphics, sound, UI, or anything else platform specific, which can be a lot of work if you want full access to the target API. I doubt it will ever be easy to develop something in LWJGL and use XMLVM to port it elsewhere; however, to my understanding, if you’re happy only to test your program once compiled to the target language, you don’t need real implementations for all the calls, you just need to have a mockup interface and set up XMLVM to route the calls properly, so it might be more feasible.
But I don’t know if anyone’s really using it in production.
My game uses a modular rules engine, and I’ve been thinking about porting it to other platforms, or even running it as JavaScript from within Java. The only parts of the API it uses is java.util.Vector and java.util.Stack.
I was experimenting with Java2Script, but this looks even better.
I read this thread some time ago and I had some laughs.
When was Java a real contender in the gaming industry? Never. Very few people actually use it. And it is not like the game industry is wanting it desperately. As a matter of fact, the initial hype surrounding Java and its slowness have forever scarred it for game developers, even if today things aren’t like that anymore.
So how is it any different than what was before? Sun isn’t a game company, then don’t expect them to do anything for Java in that department besides some useful libraries like JOGL bindings and whatnot. Especially now with the open source JDK.
Microsoft can try to push C# in their Visual Studio, but even then C++ is still the standard, especially because of the speed and portability to other platforms. So, how is this “good news” for C#? Just because someone is building a version of some engine that nobody will ever use for real things?
If some people really want to see Java used in games then they must pull a Steve Jobs and just do it.
Giving up is easier than fighting. Sorry but I’m fed up. Java won’t become a viable solution for gaming without efforts but enjoying with saying it will never happen does not help at all. Ankama Games chose JOGL for its game “Wakfu”, things are changing, slowly.
Perhaps I’m reading a different reply here but where is thiagosc, saying java won’t become a viable solution for gaming? or that ppl should give up?
The way I read it his point is that all the enabling technology in the world means nothing without it actually being used to create something good and grand.
and how does JOGL factor in this anyway?
couldnt we make a mono wrapper to load jvm stuff