Java to Flash (or ActionScript ?)

Basically I need to do a relatively simple multimedia presentation in Flash.
But I’m too lazy to learn Flash, so… why not just do it in Java and then convert it, if possible ?

Not really high performance requirements either.

Any experience/recommendations with this ?

Why flash?


If you have to do it in flash and have access to Flash Professional as IDE, just use it. For simple stuff you might get away with mostly point and click :wink:

AS3 is very much like Java. FlashDevelop + Flex SDK is easy to use. If you have to create a presentation, you should use Flash Professional or one of those Presentation creators for Flash. Maybe you could even “misuse” Presentations should usually be possible without nearly any programming. this should work :slight_smile:

Except it doesn’t :slight_smile:


One thing I’m toying with trying out is using Flash to design levels and motions and then using JSFL (JavaScript Flash Language) to export everything into JSON. Then I can read it into my Java game and display it all. It’s like the best of both worlds - authoring in Flash but getting the speed and the language of Java.

If this sounds cool to anyone, I’d recommend having a look at JSFL. It’s pretty simple and you can do a whole lot with it. Its one major flaw is that there’s no way to multithread, so you can’t have a progress bar or anything - complicated operations will just hang for a few minutes until they complete.

But if you know your script is working then that’s okay. :slight_smile:

Why would you want to design in Flash over Java?

Uh, so I can really easily create vector art that is keyframe animated, I can just drag objects around to create levels, and more? Like I said, the code would be in Java, I’d just use Flash kind of as a level editor / design tool.

Ah that’s cool!

[quote]Why would you want to design in Flash over Java?
hum… du to the crappy java plugin implementation, most customer ask for flash instead of java

[quote]AS3 is very much like Java
only for the syntax (and that’s not that true, local variable scope are just really stupid in flash)

java & flash have a completly different approach, you wont be able to convert a full project flash to java easily (you can for simple class) but: flash is higher (or at least more far … ) level language, flash have a lot of predefined features as filters / sprite / etc… that you cant convert from java as it, you also dont manage the rendering loop and flash is damnly slow (maybe slower than javascript if you dont use the right tools : PixelBender/ColorFilter etc … to deal with pixels) so… as Java & Flash use a completly different approach it is IMO not a good idea to build a project in flash and try to convert it later in flash (it may be right fo simple class test but you may need to earn some experience on flash before)