Java run method

So I don’t no if this is in the right category or not, but I have a question about the run method. This isn’t a long one so I’ll make it quick.

Is having more than one run method going to ruin the performance of a game, if yes, then how so. Also should there be a limit of how many run methods your allowed to have in a program?

whats a run method ? be specific

Maybe the OP means the ‘run’ method of Runnable?

I mean the run method of Runnable. Basically having more than one thread.

well gameloops normally dont run in a thread
the java app runs in a thread by default of course
creating additionally threads is only done by people who know what they are doing and for reasons well defined, and even then its dangerous
you do this to keep playing music maybe, inputs, loading stuff - but even then, these things are usually handeled by a lower level api you’re using, like LWJGL / libgdx, what have you…
but the main gameloop should be a while(true)

The run method is not in any way special at all. It’s just another method exactly like any other method. What is somewhat special is Thread.start, in that it eventually results in a native call (in a private method in Thread, not start itself) that spawns a new thread and calls the .run() method in that thread.