Java on PS4!

There, that got your attention.

Now all the rumours and news can go under this thread.

Starting with the obvious: it’s x86 and Nvidia powered which means there’s dead cert that a headless OpenJDK port is possible, if not an actual licensed Oracle port, and LWJGL will be relatively easy to get working on it.

Cas :slight_smile:

That would be… really cool.

Its already confirmed that C# (source & mirror) and DirectX 11 will be on PS4. However not seen any concrete information yet that OpenGL or OpenGL ES will be on PS4.

Technically OpenJDK looks very possible to port onto PS4, probably need to rewrite the OS specific bits though unless the PS4 OS is Linux or Windows NT Kernel (considering the DirectX).

Another thing to keep in mind is that the Gaikai tech (was written in Java on some clients and was Java serverside) will be a big part of PS4, so for all we know they might already have some sort of JVM for it, in addition to the Blu-Ray JVM (Interestingly the Xbox Next will also have a Blu-Ray drive, so also a JVM?).

Speaking of the Xbox Next, rumour has it that it’ll use a modified version of Windows 8 and also be x86 based, so OpenJDK on there also shouldn’t be impossible, although you’ll probably have to have a binding to DirectX for it.

You mean AMD?!

Related info: “Profile-base” HotSpot builds are currently under testing. (SEE:

Er probably, slip o the finger.

Cas :slight_smile:

Can’t help but notice they’ve kinda missed the point with profiles there. Why they didn’t just specify the availability of any set of packages is beyond me. Not hard.

Cas :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure that those are just examples and there’s a tool which will build profiles BUT it’s pretty unclear how much effort they are going to put into this or how it will interact with jigsaw & modularization.

It seems so largely pointless :confused: I literally hacked a tool together to do this for me in a matter of minutes. You put in an rt.jar and the output of a -verbose:class run of your app and it spits out a new, smaller rt.jar, but avoids many of the pitfalls by doing the class analysis at a package level rather than individual classes. So, reference SQLException, and you get the entire of java.sql.

Cas :slight_smile:

This is going a step farther…you then build the JVM and it only includes support for the profile in question.

It seems like consoles are starting to become computers with controllers (i know they technically are, but there’s a large number of differences too)

Isn’t the problem legal issues ?
Without Oracle having a deal with Sony, can you put an unlicensed jdk on PSN, legally ?

I don’t see why Oracle would need a deal with Sony if their standard JDK distribution worked. Not sure about ripping the Oracle build apart, but OpenJDK is GPL - you can pull it apart and put it on whatever the hell you want! :wink:

Huh? What’s my laptop doing looking like a Playstation? We’ve talked about this, laptop… >:(

And here I thought we should be talking about DirectX.

Very cruel Cas.

The safe presumption is that the official SDK is completely C based and software teams can use any other language or toolset as long as it can access the C APIs and compiles to native code. In the past, C# programmers have had more success at writing to external C APIs and using embedded VMs. Recently, Oracle has started to show some interest in embedded VMs and supporting non PCs so hopefully this will improve. I would kill to see good games written in Java or better yet, Scala or Clojure. I’d even be happy to see Haskell games a reality.

What sort of limitation? Technical, then yes probably. Not legally though - GPL code cannot have field of use restrictions. Of course, you might not get away with calling it Java. :wink:

Nikki and the Robots is in Haskell. So it was a reality, but as the top of that page shows, not a success :’(

now i’m really drooling ;D

So far as I can see, there are no actual limitations of use for OpenJDK beyond its obligations to GPLv2+Classpath Exception, which basically means, you can have it anywhere you want provided that if you go a-tweaking you make your source code available for all (which, were it me that was making it work on PS4, I would gladly do).

Cas :slight_smile: