sigh, yet again manufacturers fail to understand the concept of java ???
Well they don’t control the GBA so they’re working within the confines of what they could translate to the GBA OS. Its apparently not a lot of changes and within a weekend you can take a MIDP program and make it GBA material… for their cartridge.
What’s exceedingly cool now is that J2ME developers can now target the 2 mobile gaming platforms (GBA and nGage).
I saw these folks at the GDC this past week and they look interesting. Not exactly in my core area, but what struck me is that they have a JVM in the hardware – basically Java on a chip.
So it is blazingly fast. The JVM is a somewhat old verson, tho – I forget if it was 1.1 or 1.2?
[quote]basically Java on a chip.
Some ARM processors have a similar trick that allows them to execute bytecode directly on the silicon.
Annoyingly, this functionality isn’t available on the gadget ( ) I’ve just aquired.
Ah well, I suppose Java isn’t the best fit on such a platform, and I have to learn C at some point…