- is this of any interest?
It doesnt say java anywhere.
but I think that java will be able to run. Since it uses a version of linux (I think?).
This console seems to be a standard PC… I don’t really see the point of such a device.
Well Java should run under it and all allready made java SE game should run under it.
Hence I said ‘is this interesting?’
If marketed as a media center / game console / cheap pc. / old console emulator it might make a smallish dent.
[quote]where it’s said users will be able to find Amiga-based games and an Akimbo-based VOD (video on demand) service with over 10,000 titles.
would be cool, if someone designed a good, java runtime template for discs.
So people could just package there games on a disc with a java virual machine, that auto executes there game.
Could we use IzPack or JPackage to do it?
I’d would opt for a plugin that add’s a item ala java playground to the menu and have stuff published through that. if that genarates any stream of downloads then you can look at providing something android/apple store like attract something commercial intrest make a full circle by making them promote the console and their games attracting more interest etc.
ultimately it comes down to the console getting any foothold first.
Which I think has been attempted before with similar attempts but those didn’t have the tailwind of any Video on demand and HD support. Not sure if it had a blueray player. If it does it’s still on the cheapish side for being on the standalone blueray market. etc.
I’m in no way involved with the evo - just keeping a tap on it.
apparantly it also features stuff like DVR and Voip which could help momentise it given they can get the softwareGUI sorted. Hell I might even dump my own media center if the case was prettier.
weird, to be honost i really dont see a use in having this.
I think a really good push for a console like this would be in, game programming courses.
Imagine it, if schools had a console in which the game development class had to make a game with it. would be really awsome, to have combined basic java programming and console game development.
For grading the app would have to meat the specs of the desired platform(console)
So many programming courses use java as an introduction to coding. So why cant game programming do the same
but yeah, I figure its just wishful thinking.
Im really not sure how linux runs applications. But i was thinking, depending on how this new console auto-executes discs, maybe get this disc to auto execute the virtual machine(on the disc), with a command line script to call the Java Game, as well as any other required native files.
eh… why on earth would you need that for a game console?
Uhm… yea… except that something like that already exists. Over at our university something like that is done with XNA/XBox… for about 2 years by now, I guess.
Yes it is possible. It might be simpler than what I suggested except if some third parties libraries are already installed but not the “good” version… I fear it might be hard to treat certain cases, we would have to specify the classpath to override some behaviors. If this console is online, Java Webstart would be an excellent solution ;D
I would be fine for Microsoft to have a new competitor
sryf or a late reply but,
java is already on the PSP. It is not official, but oh well.
P.S: I am actually gunna start trying develop on PSP as soon as I get CFW