I have my own sound system library I use for developing games. We usually use OGG-type sound files, but as I’ve posted on here before, it has issues with playing back two tracks at once in a stream. I shelved the problem back then because we had more important things to do, but I recently came back to it and found that philfrei was right about JOrbis’s concurrency issues. It seems to be an inherent problem with the library itself when it comes to streaming in two files at once.
Anyway, I ended up making my own basic format for handling sound files which works fine enough. That said, I’m still interested in having OGG support in my sound system.
I’ve browsed the internet and haven’t had any luck finding a new OGG API (JOrbis seems to essentially be it, and it hasn’t been updated in years).
Does anyone know of any OGG-supporting APIs out there that is new and won’t have any trouble concurrently reading files? Thanks a lot.
TLDR; I need a JOrbis alternative library that can handle concurrent playback (two tracks at once), preferably with an InputStream tool already built in.
If there’s a thread anywhere on this that I may have missed, please feel free to direct me to it and I’ll be on my way. Hope this isn’t any trouble! Thanks.