Some of you may know of the 6DOF controller known as the Razer Hydra designed by Sixense. You may also know that the only way to communicate with the controller is through a set of C++ libraries (here). This is quite an inconvienience for Java developers such as myself so I have been working on a Java wrapper for the Sixense libraries for a little while now. This wrapper is in no way complete though it is slowly getting closer. I should note that I am not a C++ programmer so if any one of you fine chaps would like to critique my code, feel free. Have fun!
~ Java methods for each function in the sixense library
~ Java methods for the Controller Manager, ButtonStates, FPSPlayerMovement, FPSViewAngles, FPSEvents and Derivatives
~ Java enums provided in place of C++ enums
Included in the zip file:
~ SixenseJava.jar: the Java end of the wrapper
~ SixenseJava32.dll: the native side of the wrapper compiled for Win32
~ SixenseJava64.dll: the native side of the wrapper compiled for x64
~ the native side of the wrapper compiled for linux-i386
~ the native side of the wrapper compiled for linux-x86_64
~ JavaDocs for everything implemented so far!
~ Source code for both the Java portion and native portion
~ Symbols file for SixenseJava*.dll
~ Provide methods for other functions in the sixense_utils library
~ Provide JavaDocs for every function