Java Launcher 3.0 released

which contains 8 launching features

(six features in Explorer)

  1. Run Java applications and applets by double-clicking class files
  2. View Java codes and class hierarchies (graphic format) by right-clicking
  3. Display contents of jar and zip files without extracting them by right-clicking
  4. Compile thousands of Java files by just one right-clicking
  5. Execute thousands of applications and applets by right-clicking
  6. Debug thousands of applications and applets by right-clicking

(two features of creating)
7. Create Windows exe file from Java application with user icon etc.
8. Create executable (cross-platform) jar files

Software link

We normally don’t like people who come into the forums and start advertising, but in your case we’d throw a new Exception(“YAY!”). :lol:

That’s some nice looking software.
Thank you.