Java/J2ME/Android Game Developer

Example Java Applet Games:
Java Game Development Library:





I think he means that he hasn’t got anyone replying to him about this.
I have tried playing most of your games. The applets I did try are really bad. Though it really wouldn’t take much more work to improve these to be good. Add nice art, rebalance and add non annoying sounds heh.
I don’t know if that helps you but I thought I better point that out.

I have more games now. Note the applets only work when your browser does. So it’s best to use the JNLP versions since they work every time if webstart is installed correctly.

BTW, I could still use a job.

I have added OpenGL support. As such I can make 3D games that run on Android and PC.

Hello tberthel. I’m not in position to employ you, but I do have some advice, if you’ll have it.

a) some of your games, e.g. Zepto Racer runs at insanely fast speed. You are not using a timer to pace the game regardless of processor speed/ frame-rate.

b) the usability, e.g the RTS game, is very bad. You have to click around at random to try and figure out what to do.

c) the graphics are very rough, sounds also. while understanding you are focused on code, this is not a good thing.

To wrap up, instead of showcasing 10 semi-playable projects, I would strongly suggest choosing one of them and cleaning it up.
this would greatly improve your chances in getting your shoe into the office door.

Most of them have a speed limit of 30 fps. Both the Race car and Space game can be a little speedy. You can slow them down from the options screen by increasing the sleep.

ZeptoWars usability. I think it is simple to play, but I will probably put hint graphics and maybe a tutorial in once the game play improves enough to take it out of BETA.

I am looking for software development not art or sound job. Although, I think the art in ZeptoWars was actually good.

So, if I get even better art and sound than ZeptoWars then I won’t need a job now will I.

All I need now is multi-player support and I will have a MMORPG in 3D when I make ZeptoWars 3D in 2010.

So, if my games libraries aren’t good enough now then what will be since that is the kind of code I write.

If that does not work then all I need to do is integrate some self replicating robots and my E-Commerce program into ZeptoWars 3D and I will pown the whole world. Then rich people can take there jobs and shove it up their asses and their Obama Nazi Police State Socialist Regime.

Who else on earth has a J2ME, Android, and PC capable game library that supports the following:

Multi-Platform - Android, J2ME, and J2SE
OpenGL Support (1.5 and ES 1.0/1.2)
Real Time Strategy (Building, Waypoints, Geographic Resources, and More)
Game Object Placement (Maps, Levels, Enemy Positions and More)
Genre Specific Libraries (Racing, Scroller, Map Based, and More)
Network Libraries (Licensing, Remote Scores, and More)
Feature/Configuration Options Framework
Tile Map Creation, Editing, and Loading
Touch Screen Buttons & Gestures
Save/Load/Delete Game State
Special Collision Detection
Vector Graphics Support
Custom Input Mapping
Key Input Processing
Orientation Controls


Special Animations

Heads Up Displays

Screen Shakes

Path Finding





The answer is none.

How many other independent developers had 3 arcade games in the Top 100 on the Google market less than 3 months after it released.

Zero. f**king Zero. Only ME.

By the Power of Grayscale, why do you need a job, He-Man?

Your presentation has changed my mind. I’m convinced you’re the man
for our team after all. Your uncompromising faith in your design decisions and readiness to disregard
advice and critique point to the sort of character which is essential in our firm.
You will be working with a team of like-minded professionals, all ready to puff up into
the trademark ‘porcupine defense’ stance at the slightest hint of their genius being questioned.
We promise never to ask you to do a GUI redesign, our Quality Assurance team are there only to
sing your praise and any idiotic customers who dare to complain will be banned from our forums instantly.
Name your salary, perks include fluffers and a private jet.

Ok ok stop poking fun! The OP could possibly stop moaning and get on with carefully listening to criticism, writing some proper games and making money from them, and let he who has done the same successfully already cast the first flame, etc.

Cas :slight_smile:

  1. I never claimed to be a great game developer.
  2. I know code needs to change to meet other peoples needs specifically customers. (Including UI or QA)
  3. I am a great software developer. I actually am a smarter than most people, and on a IQ test I meet the minimum for Genius.
  4. I am done as of the day I posted my reply. I will never look for a software developer job again.
  5. I didn’t expect a private jet, perks, fluffers (What is a fluffer anyways?), or even a salary. I just needed to feel needed and not a slave of the Nazi Police State.

Reasons I Don’t Need A Software Development Job Anymore (20 years after winning a state coding competition back in 1993):

  1. They don’t really exist in the USA above the cost of building a self replicating robot army.

  2. I have more than half a million lines of code and markup of my very own, and I can’t get a job that doesn’t include getting fucked over by FMLA, Child Tax Credit, Affirmative Action, House Mortgage Deduction, SS, ATF, FCC, FAA, FDA, NEA, or other Nazi Socialist Bull Shit.

  3. I already have Freeblisket E-Commerce Solution to handle robot part inventory, Zepto Wars RTS for command and control, and Input Automation required for a Robot Army. All I need now is integrate some Rip-Rap machines, some open robot designs, material analysis & acquisition API, and a few used MIDP/Android phones to start taking my money back. So Game Over for all those Nazi fuck heads that have stole my life through redistribution of wealth.

By 2016 I will be a free man from Nazi Bull Shit and have tens of thousands of robots to defend me against your lot of lies, slander, deceit, and other Nazi Bull Shit.

I hear the crazy wackjob tactic is making a comeback as a good way to land gigs.

Ok, move along now, nothing to see here…

Cas :slight_smile: