Yeah, but once we get past the trolls and the lazy - we get to people who genuinely want to understand.
For example - if I create a ByteBuffer and pack it with ints and my architecture does specific things with byte alignment, what does the VM do. Is there any way to influence this behavior. How do I notice this behavior. Same with things like images, textures, image formats (I know OSX is quite picky with these) etc.
How are objects created and destroyed with autoboxing - what’s going on beneath the covers in the virtual machine.
When I make a call to a JNI function that creates object, how is this different than if they were created in my native Java code.
If I wanted to create lots of short lived objects yet have a large eden space (because maybe I do lots of operations that require object instantiation for some reason), why are the pause times growing since those objects should pretty much be going away immediately.
Is there a way to organize collections such that the objects you put in collections can set in the young generation longer even though the collection itself may be tenured.
How do I configure all of these performance operations in webstart or in a Java applet.
I could sit all day with someone while trying to do performance tuning and ask a million questions even though I’ve read through the available materials.