[h1]Recommended Books[/h1]
[h1]Game Tutorials[/h1]
[h2]Full Game Source Code[/h2]
- The entire source code to Revenge of the Titans! (Please respect the fact that it is copyright and use for educational purposes only)
[h1]Game Libraries[/h1]
[h2]2D Engines and Libraries[/h2]
- LibGDX (2D and 3D OpenGL library, both desktop and Android support, and more. Actively maintained)
- Slick2D (Hardware Accelerated 2D Games Library)
- PulpCore (2D Games Engine, especially good for Applets. No longer actively maintained.)
[h2]3D Engines and Libraries[/h2]
- JMonkeyEngine (Java based 3D engine)
- Ardor3D (Java based 3D engine)
- jPCT (Java based 3D engine)
- LibGDX (2D and 3D OpenGL library, both desktop and Android support, and more)
- Clyde (For creating action-oriented networked 3D games in Java.)
- Xith3D (Java based 3D engine)
- Ogre4J (Java binding to the popular C++ engine Ogre3D)
- Java 3D (scene graph based 3D application programming interface)
- 3DzzD (Java based 3D engine for webpages, no longer maintained)
[h2]Graphics and Sound Bindings[/h2]
[h2]Sound Libraries[/h2]
- Paulscode 3D Sound Engine (abstraction layer over JavaSound, OpenAL, etc)
- TinySound (very simple wrapper library for JavaSound)
- AudioCue (a more powerful ‘Clip’, enabling concurrent playback, real-time volume, panning and frequency controls)
- Java Sound Libraries (Includes MP3 decoding, Zorbis and other Javazoom libraries set up for Maven)
[h2]Physics Libraries[/h2]
- JBox2D (2D physics engine, straight port of the C++ Box2D engine)
- JBullet (3D physics engine, No longer maintained)
- dyn4j (A 100% Java 2D collision detection and physics engine)
[h2]Network Libraries[/h2]
- KryoNet (clean and simple API for efficient TCP and UDP client/server network communication using NIO)
- RedDwarf (RedDwarf is a server side technology written in Java that radically simplifies the development of online games and lowers the barrier to entry into the MMOG market)
- Narya (The Narya library provides various facilities for making networked multiplayer games.)
[h2]GUI Libraries[/h2]
- TWL (TWL is a GUI library built on top of OpenGL and provides all the standard widgets like labels, edit fields, tables, popups, tooltips, frames and a lot more.)
- Nifty (Nifty GUI is a Library for games or similar applications. The configuration of the GUI are stored in xml files with little supporting Java code.)
- Feng GUI (FengGUI is built on OpenGL and provides all typical GUI components.)
- PureSwing (Reimplementation of Swing)
[h1]Java Game Portals[/h1]
- GameJolt - Upload Java Games and make money
- Games4J - Upload Java Games and make money
- FunOrb - Java Games Portal
- Java4K - The site for the annual Java4k contest, upload & play Java4K games
- Java Game Tome - Showcase your java games online
- Pogo - Online Games Portal
- Chrome Web Store - Google’s App Store allows Java Games (You can even sell them)
[h1]Featured Misc.[/h1]
- LibGDX Blog - by badlogic
- TableLayoutc - by Nate