[quote]Personally, I’d like to see it do just a bit more, like add a DVD player. How do you get kids in the back seat to stay quiet? Just plug in a video for em, ask any parent.
As a parent, I can attest to this sort of feature. HOWEVER, that’s a completely different market from what I’m targetting. You can already purchase a Playstation or portable DVD player to do the same thing.
[quote]Add CD music playback too, and DreamCast style 3D graphics. All for around US$75. I think that’d work.
The problem is that the console would stop competing with things like the Jakks controllers and the new Atari console, and start competing with the Playstation, XBOX, and GameCube. That is not a market JGC could win in.
Not to mention that you can’t add a DVD player and expect the complete console to remain at $75 or less. The drive mechanics + MPEG decoder chip + controller chips are pretty expensive. It would also complicate the design considerably. Instead of decompressing the entire datastream into memory, random access support would need to be added. :-/
[quote]Also, while the JOP looks cool, it’s just a Ph.D. project. I’d recomend something like ARM instead. ASICS have bugs just like software, except bugs in hardware are MUCH worse than software bugs. I know, I use to test ASICS. Something like ARM is used widely and is more likely to be debugged than a one man project like JOP. Trust me on this.
I’m pretty close to dropping ASICs for FPGAs in the production design. The reason is that the Spartan 3s have actually gotten cheaper than low volume ASICs. This opens up quite a few possiblilties in the way of reconfiguring the hardware on the fly.
As for using an ARM, I have considered that. However, JOP already has a highly optimized JVM, which makes it a very valuable project. The ARM route would require a JVM from scratch (or expensive licensing of one). Programmers would question why they can’t just program the ARM, and find a way to do exactly that.
[quote]But the basic plan is way cool. I hope something comes of this.
Glad you like it. And keep the suggestions coming.