Java Flight Simulator


I made this Java3D game for my matric (last year of high school) project for computer studies, and I was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback on it. I’ve put it up on ( It’s a little bit complex to install, but the instructions are all there in the documentation. If you can’t be bothered to download it and compile it and everything, I understand, but maybe you could give me some feedback on these screenshots (any feedback would be appreciated, even if it’s just that you think it looks cheap and stupid :slight_smile: I just want to find out if it’s worth me carrying on with, recoding it, or just scrapping it):



Not bad. This is what everybody is supposed to be able to crank out with Java 3D but what we haven’t really seen all that much of. I suppose you already have had a look at same genre and quite good.

I guess someone will say it so it might just as well be me. You should consider making it java web startable! You’ll get a lot more ppl at this forum testing it that way, plenty of tutorials out there.

A bit modest framerate at 15 - 30 fps on 1.8GHz P4 with ATI 9600, winXP and Java 1.5, especially considering that there are very few objects to look at. I think it is necesary though to have some more ground objects, because I had a hard time of “feeling” what altidude I was at, especially with most objects single colored or faint gradient. I would all of a sudden smash into the ground while thinking that I was way above ground level…

Better AI would also be really nice. Right now they just scatter away and crash or fly off the map, so no real dogfighting going on.

It also seems like there is no gravity in the game, is that right? I seem to be going just as fast straight up as straight down, or it might be that I miss the sence of speed because the few objects thing.

If you roll 90 degrees I expect the plane to start turn, even without pressing the down button.

After pessing an arrow button, the plane continnues to pitch/roll. It would be nice if “the stick” would auto center itself so that it would stop rolling/pitching.

Textures would be nice on planes and ground.

Maybe different colors on the radar indicating if enemy is above or below player. Difficult enough to get close to them as it is right now.

Didn’t try the networked option, so can’t say anything about that.

It’s probably up to your interest in flightsims if you should continnue or not. Right now it feels more like an OK tech demo than a game, but better “plane feeling” and better AI might make it more fun to play right away. At the same time, the framerate has to be improved a bit, and that is probably not a trivial thing to do.

Keep us posted on the progress!

I am in a hurry now so for short - screenshots looks promising and good.

  1. I would really advise you to do a webstart version, like jojoh said. Its not that hard and this forum is full of FAQ about it.
  2. i havent time to test it myself, but i will believe jojoh -15 - 30 fps on 1.8GHz P4 with ATI 9600, winXP and Java 1.5? If you are rendering your terrain out from heightmap without any LOD technique, and without frustum culling, than it explains it. If you do, you have some performace botleneck.
    Anyway, hope to test it soon (on webstart? ;))

I forgot to mention that the models in the zip file is in the wrong folder:
Java Flight Simulator v1.00
should be:
Java Flight Simulator v1.00/model

A Webstart version would be nice indeed. There’s an extra Java3d sub project on named “J3d Webstart” including samples and a ready to go JNLP example file which loads the signed Java3d 1.3 or 1.4_beta JARs and LIBs from the site so when Webstart asks the user to accept the extensions a nice SUN certificate appears which looks much better than the usual “John Doe signed this applet” dialogue… :slight_smile:

Please see:

Thanks for the feedback guys, I’m gonna start working on it again from the ground up, and I’ll post it with web start when I eventually finish. Thanks!

Hey! Have been away for a while and just saw this thread.

Very nice work! I saw some things I liked to have in FlyingGuns! So I now know where to copy the necessary code :slight_smile:
Obviously FlyingGuns and JavaFlightSimulator are completely different projects with different goals. (FlyingGuns has more subprojects than JFS has classes :slight_smile: ).
JFS heads for features, fun and progree; FG for framework, design and reuse.

What about collaboration?

I suggest checking the sourcecode into cvs instead of a zip download.