Java Development Tutorial

Hello Guys!
Just a few days ago, I started putting up on YouTube video tutorials about Java. I have covered 5 topics so far:

If you guys can give me some tips, how to make my tutorials better, I will be very grateful!

Read the rules…embed the videos.

Good idea, but there are tons of other videos out there on learning Java. Maybe you should try and make your videos unique somehow by teaching about a specific area of Java like networking or OOP, this way your videos wouldn’t be more duplicates of the other hundred videos on beginner Java out there :slight_smile:

IMHO not every topic warrants a (youtube) tutorial. When I started programming (when I was 12, innocent and cute) I grasped control flow using if/else/while in less than 10 seconds, with for as a close second, in under a minute. Why would anybody want to watch half an hour of videos for that…

Then please tell me why lecturers take 3 classes just to explain what an if statement is?

It’s because there are some students who couldn’t concentrate on programming but can concentrate on their other subjects well.

Taking a programming course is different than choosing from a thousand different tutorial series on the basics of Java. You have to listen to a teacher in a course, but you don’t have to watch these videos. What makes me want to choose OP’s videos over some other person’s famous series that is more than enough for me to learn Java?

OP, these videos have been done a million times. While it’s fun to make videos (especially tutorials), there’s absolutely no point and you’re wasting your time, no offense.

I hate to be a downer (well thats a lie, i am a very depressing person)

this site was aimed for people who have a strong interest in making games in Java, it was never designed to be for novices, in matter of fact the site requires users pass a series of questions on becoming a member for the reason of avoiding idiots from around the world asking how a for loop works (thats just an example) as it dilutes the main target of this site, creating games. Imagine all the people here having to thrawl through questions about basic programming where the topics they want (openGl, ai, game mechanics) get swallowed up in by the sea of questions.