Java .Blend API Library for Blender 2.83

Finally managed to create a new Java.Blend API library for Blender 2.83, which was released on 03/06/20… Watch the Blender 2.83 features showcase to get a brief overview of added and improved features.

There were just a few changes to the data structures which are related to 3D models, animation and rendering (changes to runtime and UI data structures omitted):

Data structures were added to support:

  • Hair: Modelling and simulation of hair
  • PointCloud: This is now the base class for Meshes: Each mesh is a cloud of points, which can be animated, collision detected, etc.
  • Volumes: Part of the OpenVDB support (volumetric data: clouds, explosions, …)

Further changes have been:

  • Grease pencil and burshes: Majority of changes but only useful in blender UI.
  • Mesh: Addition of face sets for coloring.
  • Blur and glow shader settings

EDIT: Accidently committed too early

EDIT2: Congrats to the new forum software!


It’s a shame there’s not an “appreciation” feature in the new forum!

Cas :slight_smile:

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You can click the heart button to like it, closest thing

I noticed the old DNS entry ( is not yet mapped to this IP. Is the migration not yet finished? Should I rather keep posting in the old forum until then?

Just following this up now on Discord… everything is in place.

Migration should be happening very soon (switched from admin account which I didn’t realise I was on before)