Java applets in a Flash based website?

Well for school, I have to create a website, I had no idea what to make it on, so the best thing I thought would be Java tutorials, nothing fancy, just have to have 5 pages, I plan to have like 7! Just going to write a tutorial like a simple multiplication calculator or something like that, then display some Java applets, because I’m so bad at design I thought I would check out some templates, found some cool looking flash based website, and was like oh wow this would look cool! I’m going to use that! then I started to think, how will I be able to display an applet, because the applet code is for HTML.

In other words, has anyone used a flash website, and has been able to display a Java applet on it? or know a work around? or will I just have to mimic the website design to HTML, and make the website use the HTML version of the website to display just the applet?

I think there is no way to do that. There is a trick though, dont use flash for your whole page. Use the flash as ornament only, lefting blank html body in center so you can insert applet there.

Embedding Flash in Java is hard enough but the other way round is afaik not possible.

And before you start to split your flash thing in multiple parts to put around your Applet i’d suggest you just do HTML+CSS (which i think is the intended purpose of letting you create a website in the first place?).

There are some pretty awsome Templates out there. Go get 'em :wink:
(EDIT: Writing your own would be the best option though… You just don’t have to invent the wheel over and over again. Use the best parts and ditch the rest)

[quote]I think there is no way to do that. There is a trick though, dont use flash for your whole page. Use the flash as ornament only, lefting blank html body in center so you can insert applet there.
I was afraid of that, I’m by far not a web designer and would find that like super hard lol

[quote]And before you start to split your flash thing in multiple parts to put around your Applet i’d suggest you just do HTML+CSS (which i think is the intended purpose of letting you create a website in the first place?).
im in year 11, doing one year 12 subject, which is IPT (Information Process and Technology, pretty much systems, gantt charts, flow charts, data flow diagrams, system testing plan, feasibility studies etc) the assignment was a 4 part assignment, first start planing out the website what it is on, the design, second was feasibility studies, what technology we need, the pricing, time it will take to create etc. third part was to do data flow diagrams and all those kind of stuff, system testing plans, more detailed design, story board, sitemap etc.

The last part was to create a website, we are allowed to use templates, he said, this is not a website development course, we just want you to know how to design the system and that, so were allowed to use templates, or using dreamweaver or any other program where you don’t need to type one line of code in. So, might just go for a HTML website, just the flash websites look cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually I never do this before, but if flash can be inserted by html code inside like iframe does (idk, google it), then it may be possible.

Welcome to JGO, meingrosserfreundjo. Your very first post is help someone, great!

download one of there examples, they start off with a HTML, and use flash for the design, and XML for the pages aswell as CSS file oh and JavaScript, but I have no idea what it is used for XD

Didn’t know that. Then i would really suggest just to take a Template and fiddle around a bit until it looks the way you like it/can use it. Is there any particular Reason that the Flash-Site is so preferable? Are we talking about “cool” Animations here or really a well done Concept/Style?

Is this a public Template? You got any URL or some kind of way to show the Flash-Site or what you want to achieve?

Just looked at a few of the Examples from the URL you posted.

A lot of these Designs can be achieved with a Combination of CSS-structured HTML and a bit of JavaScript (=The “little” neat scripting Language that provides all these nifty little dynamic features of modern Websites. Side-scrolling and other animations, automatic Reloads,… you name it)

Most things that have some kind of Animation or dynamic Functions are done using JavaScript. That is if not using Flash of course (what i personally prefer).

Thanks for the warm welcome. I had to write something sometime. I got so much Information for my own Projects just being passive and reading the Topics of the Forum. First thing wenn i start up my Machine is reading news and new posts in Topics I’m interested in. Kinda keeps me informed what the latest best practices or librarys are. Just to keep up with changes that occur every day (or so it seems).

So i figured i’d start to give something back, hoping that somebody could use parts of my rambling to solve his/her problems or questions like i do quite a few times. :smiley:

Well, we have like 1 - 2 weeks to make the website, I only know the basics of HTML, as like its so simple, what I was doing today when I actually started to make the website, was fiddling around with Dreamweaver, chose their simple 3 column header and footer and just added their menu button thing in, and fiddled around with the code changing colours and stuff like that, as its definitely not the easiest thing to do when changing the colour of a certain part with Dreamweaver =\ they could improve on that (that or I just failed at clicking in the right spot?).

Like I said, I just assumed the animations and stuff was kind of based off flash, This is pretty much one of the first times iv had too look into web development, designing something is definitely not my strong point. I’ll still look for some HTML templates that I like, was just hoping their might of been a way to implement with a flash based website, because out of all the flash and html ones I looked at, by far the flash ones looked the coolest of the ones I saw.

Thanks though for everyone who replied, I’ll probably either continue on with oh so pro design skills, or find a template :slight_smile:

Since i have developed some Sites i might be able to help you here and there.

Should questions rise concerning JavaScript, HTML, CSS or a Combination of all three i will do my best to answer them.

Some references:

These are my choice when it comes to looking up how to use “this” HTML-Element for “that” purpose, the Syntax of a Function in JavaScript or debugging both for Errors/Mistakes.

Sometimes you will find a “best practice” or “how NOT to…”. Often spared me countless Hours of Searching and Optimizing.

And a little extra: - what can be done with the same source and some CSS :point:

There are multiple ways of making a website. Using Dreamweaver for all of it is one, but so is using MS Word.

I recommend WordPress for your website :slight_smile:

Never, ever, visit They are so bad that killing babies is better.

What exactly is wrong with w3schools? I find they’re an excellent reference for CSS, just for one.

A significant amount of information on w3schools is incorrect. It’s better avoided. (eventhough I use it myself, for quick fixes)

True that.

I was not aware that seemingly w3schools presents you with wrong information. ???
I for my part never stumbled upon something error-prone and liked the Feature where you can tamper around with the code directly online without much hassle.
But i also have to admit that i never read the explaining paragraphs around the bits of code since that is all i need (use it more like a quick reference than to learn).

Might keep my eyes open for aforementioned wrong informations the next time i stop by at w3schools.

I second that suggestion. Choose a Design you like once and forget about it. All you have to do from there is to pump out Sites/Content. Might be just the thing for you. :wink:

My whole life is lie! I always look on them for basic html learn!

Just saw that i suggested a German Help-Site in an english Forum :emo: facepalm. Sorry for that. Force of habit.

It did (and still does) work for me. I think if you approach the tutorials on w3schools with a certain amount of skepticism and caution it may work quite well for some fundamental basics. As i mentioned i never really read something mindblowing wrong. :-\

@ra4king Are we talking about false practices here or really about errors?
@Riven same question. How would you define that “significant amount of false information”?