Java 1.1 3d space game applet


This is my 3d space game. It has 2 levels - asteroids first, followed by a tunnel to fly through. At the moment the meteors and tunnel are randomly generated as you fly.

I plan to improve the game by…
adding ship lasers
adding enemies
replacing the random meteor positioning with a game map so that the player is presented with the same scene at each play

Please let me know if you have any trouble running the game (or if you have any comments about Quick3dApplet - the 3d engine)

hehehe, this game is cool!

Whats with the cross eyed thing? I couldn’t get my eyes cross eyed enough to see the screen in the middle as you described it…hehe.

The tunnel was HARD! it keeps spinning so the floor becomes the walls and whatnot…

Cool game!

I’ve just made the background black on the cross eyed page - which might make it easier to view. Not everyone can do it - don’t try too hard or you might strain your eyes!

I did the cross-eyed thingy, and it worked well, but could you please add a flip-y-axis for the mouse? It’s kinda hard to adjust to mouse-up = nose-up with so little margin for error (in the tunnel)

I liked it! I had no trouble going through the tunnel. However, many times I’d go through a yellow block and not pick it up. There were times when I even saw my ship half-way in a block and it still wouldn’t catch a collision.

Ditto CD problems on blocks.

Runs nice and fast and looks good on PC.

Runs slow as treacle on a 1Ghz Mac mini (java 1.4.2) - god knows why.

Should make the tunnel faster, more challenging :wink:

Thanks for your feedback.

I’ve uploaded a version with improved collision detection now.

Thinking about the y-flip comment - the game could really use a start screen that displays hi scores along with some options like sound off/on and yflip.

Oh yer, your score thing at the bottom should have a disabled z-buffer state applied to it. Because sometimes in the tunnel, the tunnel’s mesh covers up the quad for the score.


Very cool little applet. I also noticed what seemed to be some problems with the collision detection and the score disappearing. But I liked the game and it ran nice. Good work!

Nice applet, not sure why people were callin it challenging though. I also saw the score get overwritten in the tunnel… man I wanted to shoot something :stuck_out_tongue:

fantastic. enjoyed it.