JarSplice doesnt work


When I will make a runnable jar with jarsplice I’ll get a error:

[quote]Jar creation failed due to the following exception:
duplicate entry: org/newdawn/slick/Color.class
How I work:

  1. I export the java project as a normal jar (not runnable)
  2. I start up jarsplice and add Game.jar, lwjgl.jar(the real lwjgl libary not the slick lwjgl libary), slick.jar and slick-util.jar to step 1
  3. I add the natives from lwjgl to step 3 (the natives from lwjgl are the same as the natives from slick(-util))
  4. I add the mainclass + package to step 4 “Game.Mainclass” in my case
  5. When I pressed on create fat jar I’ll get the error

How do I fix this? I dont understand.


don’t add slick.jar AND slick-util.jar only use one of them. In this case you’ll likely only want slick.jar.

slick-util.jar is a subset of slick.jar so you’ll have duplicate classes if you add both.

yes, it works now :slight_smile: