

I don`t speak english very well but i found this forum and i would like to introduce a game that recently made : JArkanoid.



You could find in http://truebaj.wordpress.com/2011/06/29/remake-del-arkanoid-jarkanoid/ (at the end of de post you can download)
JArkanoid is a remake of Arkanoid of Taito. I used Swing and awt :slight_smile:

I accept criticism and suggestions

I hope you enjoy it and that I have not expressed poorly in English.

Even though the people in here are familier with computers, we are still lazy and paranoid :persecutioncomplex:
Can we get an applet/jnpl/direct download?

He posted an EXE at the end of the blog post.

If this was written in Java, please follow through its sacred slogan by allowing it to “run everywhere” instead of just Windows :wink:

At the end of the post you can download :slight_smile:

Thanks ra4king, i have changed the .Exe by a .zip with all of resources (.jar, images…)

It is better now, thanks. However, a JNLP link would be easier especially for non programmers.