JARing with JOGL

Hey All,

I have a noob question for everybody. I’m trying to put my game engine within an executable JAR. My JAR contains a manifest file that properly describes where my main starting class is. As well, the manifest file provides a classpath like the following:

Class-Path: lib/jogl/gluegen-rt.jar lib/jogl/jogl.jar lib/log4j/log4j-1.2.15.jar

However, when I try to execute my JAR, nothing happens. I don’t get any errors and I don’t get any program starting. However, my program works fine within my Eclipse IDE but for some reason outside of the IDE in my Windows environment nothing works. Would it have something to do with the 4 dll files provided with JOGL? Do I need to somehow reference those with my JAR or place them somewhere in Windows?

Thanks all.

There are almost certainly errors occurring but you’re not seeing them because you’re double-clicking the icon and there’s no associated console window. Making the DLLs available is going to be a problem. I think other people here have created harnesses for self-executable jars. However, we don’t recommend you use this approach. Instead, we strongly recommend you use Java Web Start and JNLP files for deployment. This is how we deploy the JOGL demos. See the JOGL User’s Guide for more information.

I actually ended up getting it to work. I forgot to put the VM argument for the jogl library location. I would still like to use the JAR approach for deployment. Are there any implications that I am facing asides from deployment inconvenience with this method? Can I expect performance issues or anything of the sort if I continue with my JAR deployment method?

Thanks again.

No, the only issue is unpacking the native DLLs and getting them loaded.

Thanks very much!