JAR Creation Tools for JDK 1.1?

I’m trying to create a game that runs on JDK 1.1 so all those Microsoft JVM user can still run it. It’s working pretty good so far…

…But here’s my problem: I need to put it into a 1.1-compatible .jar file, and I can’t figure out how to do this with the 1.4.2 jar tool. ???

Am I missing something obvious (like a command line option) that will let me do this? Or is there a 3rd party tool? Or am I going to have install the 1.1.8 JDK just to get that one tool?

Thanks for the help!

Hi DanS3,
A quick method is to zip them up (winzip or such like) rename the file to whatever.jar and then specify the jar file/applet class in you applet tag …

code=“target class file contained in jar” archive=“whatever the jar file.jar”

But I advise you download the jdk, as using suns classes to develop applets is more rewarding as you remain within the bounds of Real Java and not Mutant Java as oNyx likes to refer to it ;-).

Also be aware that the Jar tool serves more purposes than just packaging, so its worthy of consideration.

Please take a look at Jar Files
I draw your attention to these sections to illustrate the point
Understanding The Manifest File
Signing and Verifying JAR Files

3:00 am Tired