Hi all,
I’ve just finished my first game, on which I have been working on and off since 2012. I finally managed to bring it to the point where it feels more or less complete.
It’s a shoot 'em up, but with two-handed controls and ingame coins, which you use to unlock different ships and upgrades. (No in-app purchases or ads)
Library: LibGDX, with some of the collision checking done using Box2D for performance reasons. (I added box2D in a later stage)
For iOS I used LibGDX & RoboVM.
It uses a combination of prerendered and realtime particle effects.
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/its-raining-rockets/id985996858?ls=1&mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.infinus.airgunner&pageId=112795365790309679599
I’m very eager for any feedback, especially gameplay wise.
Also It’s freshly balanced so it could use some playtesting by strangers.