New front page for JGF. Code re-use; I had to do a fair bit of tweaking to get the applet to work properly, fix a few 1.1-AWT issues I’d forgotten about when I wrote the applet originally (years ago, but I’ve done some more 1.1 java in the last 6 months, so improved my rusty skills ;D).
I know it’s a tiny achievement, considering the code was already there (bar some of the shapes, which are new), but it took me 3 hours (!) just to fix the applet to work like it should in the first place, including discovering YET ANOTHER BUG IN SUN’S APPLET PLUGIN (note: if you get the “magic number” error, you have NOT got the magic-number problem: this same code also triggers on … a FileNotFoundException! Yes, folks, welcome to the weird and wonderful world of the modern Sun JVM error handler. Sheesh).
I was stumped by that for a while, because it was one I’d never seen before except with corrupted files :(. Wasted ages verifying file integrity :(.
Anyway…in an effort to make the time be not in vain, I’ll write up a tutorial + source for it if anyone’s interested. It’s just a very very old + simple game technique from the 8-bit gaming days. Each morph target is a separate class, and most are parameterized graphs (i.e. r + theta) so they are resizable and squishable quite easily…