Im compiling using the KTool bar build and
I create my jar using the following:
@echo off
rem This batch file builds and preverifies the code .
rem it then packages them in a JAR file appropriately.
if “%OS%” == “Windows_NT” setlocal
set DEMO=GlifeMob
set LIB_DIR=…\lib
set CLDCAPI=%LIB_DIR%\cldcapi10.jar
set MIDPAPI=%LIB_DIR%\midpapi20.jar
set PREVERIFY=…\bin\preverify
set JAVA_FILES=%JAVA_FILES% …\src*.java
set JAVAC=javac
set JAR=jar
if not “%JAVA_HOME%” == “” (
set JAVAC=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac
set JAR=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar
if not exist .%DEMO%.jad (
echo *** Run this batch file from its location directory only. ***
goto end
echo *** Creating directories ***
if not exist …\tmpclasses md …\tmpclasses
if not exist …\classes md …\classes
echo *** Compiling source files ***
%JAVAC% -bootclasspath %CLDCAPI%;%MIDPAPI% -d …\tmpclasses -classpath …\tmpclasses %JAVA_FILES%
echo *** Preverifying class files ***
rem WARNING: When running under windows 9x the JAR may be incomplete
rem due to a bug in windows 98. Simply place a pause statement between
rem the preverify and JAR stages and wait 5 seconds before continuing
rem the build.
%PREVERIFY% -classpath %CLDCAPI%;%MIDPAPI%;…\tmpclasses -d …\classes …\tmpclasses
echo *** Jaring preverified class files ***
%JAR% cmf MANIFEST.MF %DEMO%.jar -C …\classes .
if exist …\res (
echo *** Jaring resource files ***
%JAR% uf %DEMO%.jar -C …\res .
echo ***
echo *** Don’t forget to update the JAR file size in the JAD file!!! ***
echo ***
if “%OS%” == “Windows_NT” endlocal
rem do a “pause” always
any ideas??