ISS for "Hacking" and Strange Depression...

Okayyyy how do I start here? Well I suppose I’ll start with the ISS thing. I am taking web design as an elective (which as it turns out is a horrible class. They are teaching how to open pictures in PS… Web design? I think not.) and I got incredibly bored after finishing the whole semester’s work within 2 weeks. Sooo I reverted to messing around in bash and other ‘stuff’.
Long story short, the security at my school sucks and I shut down every computer in the building. Now this is an actual crime as I found out later when the teacher (who is pretty much the only other person, along with that hall’s principal, that is literate with computers) called me out after checking the keylogger. Fast forward 2 days I am in the previously mentioned principals room and I am getting pounded with, "You are going to Juvy, no more MIT for you B!atch, and you are a horribly immature loser. In principle language. After venting she actually said, “You have skills.”, and just gave me 2 days of ISS (In School Suspension). I mean good lord, I am the luckiest damn person on the planet!! Has anything like this ever happened to you guys? Do you think I should have gotten punished more severely? :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright, second topic.
About a week after this happened and after serving my ISS I was starting to become rather depressed for no reason. I started not talking to my (only) friend, and refused to come down stairs, except for meals. I couldn’t code because I couldn’t find any inspiration and started just sitting in my room listening to music for hours at a time. My daily schedule was this: Get up at 5 (I have a ‘zero’ period. Orchestra.) and take a shower. Go downstairs, where nobody is up yet and won’t be till after I leave, and eat half a bowl of cereal which somehow fills me up completely. Then I get a ride with one of my classmates to school and, well, go to school. Come home, do homework first thing, and then do pretty much absolutely nothing until 12 oclock when I fall asleep. I don’t know why this is happening, and it makes me feel like I’m going off the deep end, ya know? I’m turning 15 tomorrow, so I’m guessing that my age does play a major role in it. Have you guys ever felt like this? What did you do to battle it?

Thanks for reading,