Isotröma 2017

////// 23-03-2018



Today i’d like to share with you some of my progresses on this project i develop episodically since many years, with the hope to have one day a real game…

The goal is to make a nervous fps in a set of many short and intense stages (after loosing myself in several gameplay tries, like too big procedural maps, i finally went back to this idea, which was the very first one).

The possible “originality” could be in the resolution of different “puzzles” based on the switch of gravity, taking control of opposite mobs, and terrain shapes modifications.

The technical part is still based on a homebrew game engine using LWJGL, Paul Lamb Sound System and PNGDecoder, so i hope this topic can help me verify its functioning at this point.

So i submit you a little demo, short to test, containing 2 basic stages. As i have at this time no communication platform, i can put a simple direct link :

Compatibility :

  • Java 1.5 and more
  • OpenGL 3.0 and more

Thanks for your attention :wink: .

Screenshot :