Island Forge Kickstarter Success - Now Free-to-Play!

Nate is a god. He doesn’t need food nor does he use anything to be billed for.

I live off savings, travel, and crash on couches, for 2+ years now. Money only goes one way (away), so something has to change eventually. I hope to release some software to keep the good life going. Admittedly this is sort of like a job, but being the boss is so much better (and easier to slack off).

@nate: how can you get money by travel?

(sorry for hijacking thread, just this one more question ;))

I’m currently reading the 4-Hour Workweek (Timothy Ferriss). Sounds like Nate already has the lifestyle figured out.

@ReBirth - don’t worry about hijacking this thread. The Kickstarter project is complete, so this discussion might as well wander about.

I’d love to know this too :stuck_out_tongue:

Drug mule, I guess ;D


So much confusion…

So let’s look at the options of what our beloved Nate actually meant:

Pick one and live your life like Nate.

You can crash on my couch =>

Now, I know everyone would oppose the idea… but what about selling Libgdx ? But for a really low price like I dunno 10 bucks.

Everyone can effort that and if everyone would who is using Libgdx would give you ten bucks…

I just think that the quality and amount of code and libs you are creating, and Mario of course is incredible, and it does suck when the creator of something like this gets nothing.

But if you “pondered long and hard about this and finally decided to put up a donation button.”, then you probably oppose this