Is Windows7's Direct2D available for Java ?

I have been developing to draw 2D objects by Java.
CAD/CAM system “Stella Vision for Java”

Java 2D is fine system.
By using Java 2D, I can draw faster than Windows native applications with Windows GDI

Recently Windows Direct 2D has come with Windows 7
and people say Direct 2D is much faster than GDI.

I wonder that I use Direct 2D from Java with “Java AWT Native Interface” or any method of Java.

Is it possible?
Dose anyone has already started such projects?

Either ignore Windows 2D technologies - which change like the shifting sands of the Sahara - and let the JDK maintainers worry about how to implement Java2D best on top of whatever’s flavour of the month; or just bypass all the hassles completely and go straight to OpenGL with LWJGL.

Cas :slight_smile:

Direct 2D is the just a wrapper on top of Direct3D right? and Java2D already has a Direct3D renderer, so I don’t see much point.

Although Java2D has pretty decent speeds these days but as mentioned by princec above going direct to OpenGL can cut out the bloat and layers that Java2D has to go through (like AWT) and can be much faster.

If you are already using Java2D, you should have a look at Slick2D, its a small library that provides super fast opengl accelerated graphics (and accelerated sound) with an api very similar to Java2D.

JOGL is a good option too.