Is there anyone who can rebuild camera application


is there anyone who can rebuild camera application for T72X(i)?
Like everyone now, java application in motorola T72X(i) are unpacked,
and in model T720i & T722i camera application uses most available
space. So people like me, who haves camera attachment, want remove
some usles things.
This things are:

  • other language (I removed it by clearing other class definiin, but
    theres should be removed all code for this language.
  • slideshow option (it useless)

And if it posible, rotate image of take photo. Now it’s horizontal and
small. Screen of T72X(i) is 120x160, so photos in vertical position
would be bigger.

Is there anyone who can to do it, or is it imposible?

Sorry for my English

Sorry, this doesn’t seem like a java or gaming related j2me question, or am I misunderstanding something ?