Is there a way to unlink from replies?

Hi - There are a couple threads that I replied to quite a while ago, and which have continued to burble along with activity. When I hit “Show new replies to your posts” these will show up. It’s not a big deal, but I’m thinking in a couple instances I don’t need to have these come up any more, and am wondering if there is a way to unhook from these threads.

As far as I can tell, this [SUGGESTIONS] is the closest has to a place to ask about matters pertaining to the functionality of this site. Yes?


Click [ NOTIFY ] at the top/bottom of the page. If you already receive notifications, this will disable them. Think of it as a toggle.

Thank you! Much appreciated, as always.

EDIT: Ah, the “Notify” toggle seems to apply to whether or not I get an email notification. It doesn’t affect what comes up when I click on “Show new replies to your posts.”