So recently I’ve had some very confusing responses from recruiters. I’ve offered my portfolio in the hopes of securing any of several general software engineer positions, and one game engine programmer position. My portfolio DropBox link is at the bottom if you’d like to skip right to that. The runnable demos are jars so you’ll need a JRE (the demos were written using Java 8!). The file contains the whole portfolio and you can download it if you’d like to test.
Part A:
First off, I didn’t expect to get the engine programmer position; I even stated in my cover letter that I’ve much to learn. Let me clear this up:
I a m N O T m a d t h a t I d i d n ’ t g e t t h e j o b ,
but rather, at the “feedback” that was provided after the fact. Anywho, after thanking the recruiter I requested some feedback so that I could benefit from this experience as much as possible:
[quote]Actually, at this point I’ve nothing to lose…
If I could be so bold as to ask for just a few additional minutes out of your day, I’d be exceedingly grateful. I’d like to ask you the specific reasons you considered me as potential candidate initially (what stood out), anything that appeared particularly appealing / impressive in my portfolio in your opinion, whether the demos had been tested, as well as what lead to this conclusion (the nail in the coffin so to speak). Think of it like a survey.
Having this feedback would benefit me to a far more considerable extent than having “the best of luck”. However, you shouldn’t feel obligated to respond; like I’ve stated in my cover letter: I’ve hit my goal shooting blanks before.
Thanks again for your time!
I was a bit frustrated… lol but he contacted me first (and after brushing it off as ‘just another recruiter’, he once again insisted we talk so I feel as though I had the right to be a little floored)… But anywho, I got this response (with some thoughts of my own to accompany each point):
[quote]Sure, happy to provide feedback here. I discovered your LinkedIn profile while looking for Engine Programmers.
Yes, I realize this; we had previously discussed that.
[quote]Your profile though has very limited information so I reached out to find out more about you and also tell you about the position.
Right, right.
[quote]Looking at the work you’ve done,
SUCH AS? EXAMPLES? What in my portfolio jumped out at you and the hiring manager and said “red flag”? I asked for specific feedback!
[quote]you still have a lot to learn.
I know. Who doesn’t? Even John Carmack has a lot to learn, otherwise we’d have reliable wireless VR headsets on the market by now.
[quote]It’s by no means bad, it’s just that we’re looking for experienced Engine Programmers.
Hope that makes sense and let’s keep in touch should a better position open up for you at [spoiler]EA[/spoiler] in the future.
Am I overreacting? Is there ACTUALLY something in there that could be considered useful feedback? Or did he just feed me a crap souffle?
Part B:
What is the first thing about my portfolio that comes to your mind that may be indicative of a red flag (yeah, nothing can go wrong there right? I hope this doesn’t turn into a r/roastme thread…) if you were an employer or hiring manager?
Part C:
Thanks for reading !