Is Jogl used in Java3d?


I would like to know if Jogl is used in Java3D. If I write a 3D java application with Java3D, and so if I use the Java3d scenegraph, when the scene will be rendered, will it be with Jogl or another opengl binding? Is it today possible to use Java3D and have the performance that we have with Jogl?
And what do I need if I use Java3D/Jogl in a browser? I think a Java3D plugin is enough, but when we install this plug in, does it also install the jogl dll?

Thanks for you help.

As of Java 3D 1.5.0 there is a JOGL based backend for Java 3D. Previously it used custom native code to call OpenGL. The JOGL backend for Java 3D is now used to provide the Mac OS X support for Java 3D. I believe the intention is to switch over to using the JOGL backend as the default in the next major release of Java 3D. As for Java 3D applet support, the Java 3D team is working on a generalization of the JOGLAppletLauncher that we will use for both JOGL and Java 3D.