Is JOAL still alive?

Are people still working on this?

There seems to be some stability issues on windows, but that might be caused by me not finding the “real” latest stable build.

I’m interested in working on this project.
What remains to be done?

I’m working on the OSX port as soon as I get my machine back.

Note I will be using the latest release that is based on CoreAudio (I thought people were saying core audio was slow or something or other).

Yes the project is still alive. I’ve been pulled in a few different directions in the last few weeks (all good stuff for game developers, despite all the recent, somewhat discouraging, news regarding Sun) so I haven’t been able to devote as much time as I’d like to the project.

As Greg pointed out, there is a OSX port underway (thanks Greg!) and the Windows and Linux source (and binaries) are available, though there have been some reported issues.

For those interested in lending a hand, clearly we need to do a lot more testing and debugging on all supported platforms, so any help you can give in these areas is more than welcome. For now, continue to post your issues on the project bugzilla pages, and if someone is interested in tackling any of the issues posted, please let me know and I’ll assign it to you. (If you’re not currently “developer” status on the project, be sure to fill out and return the contributot agreement!)

Do you have the url to the latest builds?

This page is eerily empty under “release” and “milestone”, and the nightly builds seem old as well (doesn’t seem to include ALut)

I’m currently using the one included in the demos, but that one only seemed to have windows binaries.

The reason I’m so concerned is that joal, quite frankly, kicks ass. :wink:
When it works.

[quote]Note I will be using the latest release that is based on CoreAudio (I thought people were saying core audio was slow or something or other).
You mean for OS X this will NOT be a binding to OpenAL but go straight to the native sound API? Or is is the OpenAL implementation that is based on Core Audio?

OpenAL uses CoreAudio… they just apparently came to the realization that using the native libraries might be faster or something :slight_smile: