intersting read at

You think that’s shocking? Take a look at this:,39023769,39181338,00.htm

what the hell, how can u patent an aspect of logic? thats so stupid.

[quote]what the hell, how can u patent an aspect of logic? thats so stupid.
Yeah, everyone knows the vulcans patented logic thousands of years ago ;D

Could this be the 2010 Java Hello World program:

public(tm) class(tm) Hello World{(tm)
    public(tm) static(tm) void(tm) main(tm)() {(tm)
           System(tm).out(tm).println(tm)("(tm)Hello world"(tm));(tm)


I believe that Bill just likes to get peoples goat. He doesnt need the money or name recognition of a patent. He knows that if he opens his mouth at all, many in the non-microsoft communities will scream foul before they hear the words and this generates press. Who knows, he probably secretly bankrolls Sun and some Linux players owns a little stock here and there and is just growing his billions a software dollar at a time…regardless of flavor. LOL ;D

Just write your code and have a nice day…