[quote]libGDX will often have +/- 100 ms (max) per loop
There’s something very seriously wrong with your game if this happens “often” even after playing for a while.
100ms are 6 whole frames at 60fps 
[quote]get the clock times […] bit more harder to speed hack
nothing you do on the client prevents cheating.
Everything you do on the client will eventually get dissected, bugged/glitched out and pissed on.
Everything that matters gameplay-wise MUST (also) be simulated on the server if you really want to stop cheaters.
[quote]prevent move requests from the client
You will prevent exactly … nothing
if the counter-measure is on the client-side, some user will hack it and you can’t do shit about it!
Let’s say you write the “perfect” client with butter smooth packet send times, you release it to the public and some user with a fucked up network plays your game and nothing works anymore because you rely on the packets coming in at certain times and rates.
Look at all the complicated DRM that AAA studios use to prevent people from making cracks for their games, even that doesn’t hold up long because in the end all that code runs on an insecure machine aka client, the more interest the more hacks are getting written.
This means that your server also needs to simulate what the client does so that there’s one secure game-state that every client can agree on.
If the client spams the server it should never just execute the additional commands, it should just do what’s allowed/possible and kick any badly misbehaving player.
You can’t really call it commands either, request is a better word, the user just requests that something should be done, but there is no authority in these requests unless you want to let other users feel the pride and accomplishment of being killed across the map by d1ngd0ngFaceMCgregger2019.