I am posting this to gauge interest in a tool to help those who are not well versed in the art of java 4k programming.
The tool is percieved to act in two modes:
Analyse your source code and provide suggestions on how to remove any inefficencies that exist in the source. In this mode, your source code is not modified at all and the tool is used to help a developer learn how to optimise the source code.
Process your source code automatically and produce “optimised” source code as output. It is percieved that the tool in this mode would be the first in the chain of the build steps i.e. source -> optimised_source -> compile to bytecode -> riven’s Compile -n- Shrink.
The goals of this tool would be to :
- reduce the time taken to perform lower level optimisation.
- allow the developer to keep working on a non-optmised, non-brittle, well formed and easily developable/maintainable version of the game.
- lower any percieved barrier of entry due to low-level optmisations.
This will probably be a reasonablly involved project so before i start i would like to make sure that it would be used