Intellij Idea and JOGL

Hello all,

I am using Intellij Idea as my primary IDE now, (moved from Eclipse) and after some struggling managed to get JOGL working with it. In doing so, I had to set the VM Parameters with -Djava.library.path=“JOGL path”. If I were to build this application and give it to someone using a different computer, would they need to install JOGL to the specified “JOGL path”, or could they simply run the program and not get any errors (ClassNotDefined, no JOGL in path, etc.)?

Thank you for your help. ;D

To distribute JOGL applications without worrying about classpaths etc you should use either Java Web Start as can be seen here [] (Click an image to run the demo) or an Applet as here [].

Download one of the JNLP files (Right click save as) [] and view it in your IDE or a text editor

Java Web Start seems to be the way to go, I’ll start looking into it. Thanks for the super quick response. ;D

Just put the native libraries in the working directory, and it will work everywhere.

No need for WebStart or Applets!