integrated disaster


i’ve written simple app in java using jogl.
on my relatively old laptop (pentium m 1.5, radeon 9000, 1g ram) it runs smooth.
but on a desktop with geforce4 mx integrated GPU it runs terribly, and there are errors in displayed graphics (strange spikes).
the fps i get on this hardware is… well, terrible. for example: refresh after window expose takes about 10 seconds. not 1/10 of a second, 10 loooong seconds.
and the same goes for normal drawing (display) or reshape.

maybe i’m doing something wrong?

my app is availble for testing at (JNLP).

Sounds like your graphics card is probably causing the issues. Maybe to old? to slow?

I assume that you’re doing something wrong as even my game turns at 8 FPS with your onboard graphics chip according to my test with JOGL 1.1.0. Which driver do you use? What’s your operating system?

I have tested your application with another onboard graphics chip called “ATI XPress 200” under Linux and I have the same problem, it keeps frozen during some seconds. I will test tonight with my ATI Radeon 9250 Pro. I think that your hardware is not too old, there’s something else. Do you use a GLCanvas or a GLJPanel?

thanks for your replies.

my operating system is:
laptop: (fast/radeon9000 32 MB) windows 2003 server (standard drivers from dell)
desktop: (slow/geforce4 mx integrated) windows XP (omega drivers)
second desktop: (slow/RAGE 128 PRO II, (AGP 4X/PCI)) windows XP (standard drivers)

Try the debug pipeline (there’s a short explanation in the JOGL’s Users Guide) and see if it reports errors. Maybe you have just some misplaced OpenGL calls.

thaks :slight_smile: indeed, looks like debugGL might help.

one thing still bothers me: why on one machine opengl output looks very different than on other machine (->spikes)? it should look (almost) the same, right?
anyway, i’ll check that later on today.

one more thought: maybe i should check availability of all opengl extensions and/or opengl version before running my app?

one more test: hardware as above - geforce4 mx integrated, but official driver installed - NVidia 93.71 - same results - spikes.

Shouldn’t hurt :wink:

[quote]Try the debug pipeline (there’s a short explanation in the JOGL’s Users Guide)
indeed, that explanation IS very short. how should i use gldebug? how to read errors? should i use try/catch and catch GLException?

As far as I understand it, just plug in the debug pipeline and watch the console output.

nothing there… even when i put glvertex outside glbegin/glend.

Hello you can try the TraceGL, but as far as I know the debug pipeline will not show you anything if you perform valid openGL operations that the Intel driver doesn’t handle well.

yeah, i tried TraceGL, and it shows all issued openGL commands nicely. but that’s all, no errors reported (on radeon9000/dell d600 laptop).
btw: i tried to cause error by putting glVertex outside glBegin/glEnd, but it does not result in error, because:

[quote]Invoking glVertex outside of a glBegin/glEnd pair results in undefined behavior.

okay, it seems that the cause of problem was in some smoothing (point, line, or polygon) or in some hints related with them.
when i completely turned off all quality hints (GL_NICEST) and all smoothing application works with normal speed = fluently.
further tests in progress…

well, it seems that polygon, line or point smooth is crippled on some of the test machines (geforce4 mx integrated or RAGE 128 PRO II), and causes bizarre effects.
looks like Ru5tyNZ was right:

[quote]Sounds like your graphics card is probably causing the issues. Maybe to old? to slow?
disabling smooth and hints (GL_NICEST) helped. now application runs like a charm :slight_smile:

FYI: this is how it looks:
smoothing enabled - errors:

smoothing disabled - no errors:
