Inspiration for the look of your game. is a site that contains art of different types and media. I have found that browsing it (and other art sites) has given me ideas on color combinations and graphical styles I wouldn’t otherwise have thought of. Hopefully other folks here get some inspiration from it as well.

The landing page makes it look like you need an invitation to browse, but just click on “Explore Without An Account” below where it asks for your email.

Anyone else have any sites they find useful?

Any books you read. For example, I think the Mortal Engines quartet would make a great game world. Other than that I just Google for images of what I want to make.

I play my PS2 or watch movies. My favorite movie is Tron Legacy, as awesome as the story is for Tron, Tron Legacy has more inspirational imagery.

If you like those visuals, then you’ll love this, if you haven’t already seen it.

It’s a description about the visual effects by the guy who did a lot of them, and how he went about making them.