Input doesn't work in Ubuntu 13.10

Getting inputs from the input devices is working in Ubuntu 12.04. I recently upgraded to 13.10 and inputs no longer work. I know of others that have had this problem with other distributions (arch for instance) with the newer kernels. Ubuntu 13.10 is using kernel 3.11.0-15-generic. This of course effects Keyboarding Master since it uses jinput.

I have veried this with which shows all of the inputs but doesn’t display any input responses.

Here is the output from running that program.

Jan 28, 2014 8:55:00 PM getAbsAxisID
WARNING: INSTANCE.absAxesIDs is only 63 long, so 63 not contained
Component count = 1
Component count = 1
Component count = 143
Component count = 5
Component count = 8
Component count = 1
Component count = 267
Component count = 163
Component count = 163
Component count = 6
Component count = 163
Component count = 116
Component count = 6
Power Button disabled
Power Button disabled
HID 0a5c:4502 disabled
HID 0a5c:4503 disabled
Razer Razer Taipan disabled
UVC Camera (046d:081d) disabled
Razer Razer Taipan disabled
Razer Razer Taipan disabled
Razer Razer Nostromo disabled
Razer Razer Nostromo disabled
Razer Marauder Razer Marauder disabled
Razer Marauder Razer Marauder disabled
Razer Marauder Razer Marauder disabled

Udev rules that should allow read and write to the games group which my user is apart of

KERNEL=="uinput", MODE="0664", GROUP="games"
KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="games", MODE="0664"
KERNEL=="mouse[0-9]*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="games", MODE="0664"

$ groups
mspeth cdrom sudo games sambashare

Any ideas of what might be wrong?