Indago -- The Search


This is a game about claustrophobia and searching. Find the right block as quickly as you can!


-Completely random levels!

-High score system!

-3 difficulty levels! (warning: the higher your difficulty level, the more laggy the game will be)

-Guaranteed claustrophobia :stuck_out_tongue:

-Tons of fun!

-Quirky sound effects!

It’s not as easy at it seems. As the blocks slowly yet steadily grow in size, you’ll begin to panic as you desperately search for the right block. Eventually the blocks will obscure your vision and you’ll lose.


This game is centered around searching for the odd block out. The only enemies which stand in your way are the evil ever-growing blocks. Weave through the thousands of blocks to find the odd block out. The block that you have to find will always have a different colour from the rest of the blocks. Sometimes it may seem that the block you’re searching for doesn’t exist and all the blocks are of the same colour, but that’s what happens when desperation kicks in. There’s always an odd block out, and your task is to find it. Fly straight through the odd block to win the game!

If the blocks grow too big, you’ll lose. The block you’re looking for is not always cleverly concealed, though. Sometimes it can be in plain sight. But don’t count on your luck, though; it almost always lets you down. "

This is the Ludum Dare link, if you feel like trying out Indago:

this is such a sick concept - super underrated man!

Haha, thank you :slight_smile: This is actually my first ever 3D game, and the GUI was a little messed up because I didn’t really know how to do GUI in OpenGL back then, but I’m proud of what I managed o accomplish in (roughly) 10 hours’ time.

I don’t think it’s supposed to look like this?
The cubes have color on the inside and the black part is rendered over the colored.

What’s your operating system and OpenGL version?

Windows 7 Professional 64bit
Version: 4:5:0
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce GTX 960/PCIe/SSE2

Oh wow…I haven’t tried it on an Nvidia card, since I don’t have a computer with an Nvidia graphics card :frowning:

I’ll look into the matter and reupload the file once I think I’ve fixed the bug. Sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe it’s an issue with the outlining of the cubes using the stencil buffer. It works on my laptop (AMD graphics card, Windows 10) but it doesn’t seem to work on Nvidia graphics cards. I’m trying to figure it out.

Sorry for posting three times in a row. Just an update.

I want to do a complete remake of this game, with more features and better GUI. Currently I’ve separated the GUI from the actual game, because the game was made in LWJGL and the GUI was done in JavaFX. I’m now going to do the GUI in LWJGL. I’m also going to improve the graphics and the controls, and add a couple of powerups. Of course, I’m also going to support Intel, AMD and Nvidia graphics cards. I already know it works on Intel and AMD, it just doesn’t work on Nvidia, and I don’t have much experience in making my programs compatible with multiple graphics cards.

I made this game in, like, 15 hours. I’m still really proud of it, but I can’t just leave it like this. It could be a lot better.

tl;dr I’m going to do a complete remake of this game, with (quite possibly) a different name. In fact, I’ve already started work on it :stuck_out_tongue:

Just out of interest; what is it about your development process that makes this project Windows-only?

It isn’t Windows only. However, since this was a year ago and I was a little less experienced and knowledgeable about OpenGL, I set the minimum OGL version to 4.0+, so it doesn’t work on some MacBook laptops and it also doesn’t work on Nvidia graphics cards (for reasons other than the OGL version), which is a huge problem :stuck_out_tongue: I thought it’d be better to do the whole thing all over again and create an improved version of the game :smiley:

I was working on the game until I got a completely different idea :stuck_out_tongue: I’m working on something else, hopefully someday I’ll create a new version of this game. I’m working on that other idea now.