In my project I was trying to improve my blood splatter system to add pooling. It’s still very simple, but I need to improve it’s performance.
package warlord.ingame.effects;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import warlord.ingame.world.Block;
import warlord.ingame.world.Tile;
import warlord.opengl.Game;
import warlord.opengl.Logger;
import warlord.opengl.MathHelper;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
public class BloodSplatter {
// Each particle is 4x4
public static float SIZE = 4.0f;
public static int particlesPerTile = Math.round(Tile.WIDTH / SIZE);
private ArrayList<float[]> particles; // Stores the x, y, alpha, and life
public BloodSplatter(Block block){
particles = new ArrayList<float[]>();
public void update(){
for(int index = 0; index < particles.size(); index++){
float[] particle = particles.get(index);
if(particle.length < 4){
Logger.print("Particle doesn't have a life. Skipping index " + index);
if(Game.getFloat() < 0.999f){
continue; // .1% chance of spreading
setLife(index, getLife(index) - 1);
addParticle(particle[0] - SIZE, particle[1], getLife(index));
addParticle(particle[0] + SIZE, particle[1], getLife(index));
addParticle(particle[0], particle[1] - SIZE, getLife(index));
addParticle(particle[0], particle[1] + SIZE, getLife(index));
public void sprayDeath(float cx, float cy){
sprayDeath(Math.round(cx), Math.round(cy), 5);
public void sprayDeath(int cx, int cy, int radius){
for(int _radius = 0; _radius <= radius; _radius++){
for(int degree = 0; degree <= 360; degree++){
float dx = (MathHelper.cos((float)Math.toRadians(degree)));
float dy = (MathHelper.sin((float)Math.toRadians(degree)));
addParticle(cx + dx, cy + dy);
public void addParticle(float x, float y){
particles.add(new float[]{x, y, 1.0f, 30.0f});
public void addParticle(float x, float y, float life){
particles.add(new float[]{x, y, 1.0f, life});
public void setLife(int index, float life){
float[] old = particles.get(index);
old[3] = life;
particles.set(index, old);
public float getLife(int index){
return particles.get(index)[3];
public void trimLevels(){
for(int index = 0; index < particles.size(); index++){
float[] particle = particles.get(index);
if(particle[3] <= 0.0f){
// the particle is dead
public void render(){
ArrayList<Float> x = new ArrayList<Float>();
ArrayList<Float> y = new ArrayList<Float>();
for(int index = 0; index < particles.size(); index++){
float[] particle = particles.get(index);
glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 30.0f / particle[3]);
glVertex2f(particle[0], particle[1]);
glVertex2f(particle[0] + SIZE, particle[1]);
glVertex2f(particle[0] + SIZE, particle[1] + SIZE);
glVertex2f(particle[0], particle[1] + SIZE);
glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
The blood seems to pool alright and looks okay so far, but when the blood starts to spread and overlap it begins to lag. I will eventually change the rendering but for now in development I’m using immediate mode. Any techniques or ideas to improve performance would be appreciated