Immutable Vectors and Performance

I like turtles.

^^ The summary of this entire thread :smiley:

This is “totally” a misquote. It should read: “Premature coding is the root of all evil”.

Premature coding? Coding when you’re not ready to? :stuck_out_tongue:

Premature ejaculation is the root of all couple squabbles.

Oh my god this seriously made me ROFL!! Bahahahahahah!!!

Exactly! In both cases what started out so promising just ends up in an embarassing mess that needs to be cleaned-up and if you’re luck you get the opportunity to start over. At least in the case of ejaculation you can pretend that it was the intended result by jumping up and yelling “I win! I win!”.

ROFL!! Please make it stop!! Bahahahahahaha!! I’m dying here! lolol

In both cases you’re trying to make things faster when really you don’t need to.